Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meal Planning Magic

My friend Brenda has a blog. Now, I have lots of friends with blogs, as you can see for yourself if you check out the "Blogs I Follow" page. But Brenda's blog isn't just chatty and interesting (as I hope mine is). Hers is actually useful. If you're a busy mom, you should be following it. Like it on Facebook, and you can be notified whenever she makes a new post. Subscribe via email. Trust me, you'll be glad you did!

Brenda's blog is called "Meal Planning Magic," and it's all about planning healthy meals in advance to save time on busy nights (as opposed to running in the door after work or school or taxiing and going, "Now what the hell am I going to make for dinner?"). She also often adds tips for staying green in the kitchen, a topic that's near and dear to my own heart (and one of the reasons Brenda and I are such good friends, being two of the 25 or so Texans who are actually concerned about the environment!).

If you're a busy mom (that's pretty much all moms, right?) or dad who happens to cook, you really should check it out. Interesting AND useful all rolled into one blog. What a concept! To sweeten the pot, she's offering a back-to-school lunch kit giveaway right now. Read all about it at For the giveaway, check out the August 17 post.

1 comment:

  1. Hey!
    I love any help I can get in the kitchen!
    Thanks for recommending her site!
